International Women's day celebration
The Women’s Empowerment committee &Institution's Innovation council and Student council celebrated INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY ON MARCH 8th 2024 at Founder’s Hall, VMSDC. The event started with welcome address which was delivered by Associate Professor Dr. IndraPriyadharshini( Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology). Following this prof Dr. J Baby John delivered dean’s address. The guest speaker introduction was given by Assistant Professor Dr. Selvalakshimi( Department of Periodontology). The speaker Dr.Maheswari,MBBS,DMCS has been felicitated by the dignitaries. The women’s award named வெற்றிமங்கைவிருதுகள் for Teaching staff Dr.Dhanalakshmi, Assistant professor , Department of Prosthodontics and Non teaching staff member Mrs.V.Radhika, Housekeeping service, for remarkable attendance percentage and less late & Permission as per attendance percentage from Jan 2023 –Dec 2023.The guest delivered speech on BRINGING NECESSARY AWARENESS TO WOMENS HEALTH . There was solo dance performance by all UG , PG and Staffs. Some special performance was given by students and staffs. Fashion show was conducted for students, teaching and non teaching staffs. Prize winners for the solo dance and fashion show winner was announced and awarded. The event was successful ended with vote of thanks delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Aarthi(Departmentof Endodontics and Conservative dentistry. Total 157 participants participated in this event.