clinical society meeting by Department of Oral Pathology and microbiology
The clinical society meeting by Department of Oral Pathology and microbiology was
conducted online through Zoom on 27.01.2022. The meeting commenced at 9.00 a.m. and
ended at 10.35 a.m. Topic- “PIGMENTED LESIONS- AN OVERVIEW”
The first speaker Dr. Moses Obed. B, III year postgraduate student did a presentation
on “Introduction and journal peek”. The next speaker Dr.A.Rathina Priya, III year
postgraduate student, did a “Case presentation”. The third speaker Dr.Diana Prem. - MDS,
Assistant Professor, did a presentation on “Dental update” An interactive quiz was conducted
by DrAmbika, Assistant professor and Dr. Jayabalan (Post graduate student).
The program was awarded with 2 CDE point with TNDC approval no: 25/22.
Certificates were presented to the speakers by the Associate Dean, Dr.Reena John.
Head of the Department of Oral pathology and microbiology, Dr. Maya ramesh – awarded
the certificate of appreciation to winner of MCQ Session Ms.RagaPriya, CRI.
A total of 130 participants comprising of 45 staffs, 35 Postgraduates and 50 Interns
attended the program. Certificate of attendance was given to all participants. Feedback forms
have been sent and responses recorded.
The next CSM will be conducted by the Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery
in the month of February 2022.